Wednesday 18 May 2011

Chapter 16 - Gen 9 - Rio

"Where is he?"
"In the basement with Sara, are you ok Maizie you look angry!!"
"I am - with Rio!!"

 "Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"You and Raven?"
"Sara can you go and find something to do me and Maizie need to talk please"
We waited till Sara left the room
"I don't know what you have heard but let me explain...."
"Heard I'll tell you what Ive heard - you have been sleeping with Raven"
"Who told you that?"
"She did"
"Once what?"
"I slept with her once and it was one huge mistake"
"I'll say it was I...."
"Look please listen to me Maizie - I know I don't have any excuse for what I did but she kind of got into my head and that once I slept with her, I let it happen more from shock than anything else because ever since she found out she was pregnant with Sara and all those years we were married she never let me once - the other night was the first time since before we were married - I didn't stop it because I expected her too, most of the time I couldn't even kiss her without her freaking out - I don't know what to say other than I am sorry!!"
"So all that time you two were married you never slept with her once?"
"No honestly she freaked out every time I even tried to touch her"
"I am finding it hard to believe!!"

"I promise its the truth, please don't be mad with  me because you have not helped either!!"
"Why what did I do?"
"Well you would rather babysit than see me - I am beginning to get a complex!!"
"I am sorry I did not want to push you away, you said you needed space"
"You backed off too much and pushed me a different way!!"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!!"
"I know, its my own fault I should have spoken to you properly and treated you better!!"

"Can we forget everything and start again properly?"
"I don't know I need time to think"
"Please Maizie - I really am sorry!!"
"I know"
"I have to go to work soon, promise me you will still be here when I get back, I want to make things right with you Maizie please!!"
"I'll try but I am not promising!!"

Today I got my final promotion to achieve my life time wish of becoming a Superstar Athlete
"Dad - you did it!!" Sara go excited
"Yes I did not sure I like this suit much though!!!!!!"
"It looks cool, I dig the shades"
"Where is Maizie?"
"Oh she went home, did you too have a fight, she was upset, and I think I might have put my big foot in it a little but I didn't mean to"
"Why what did you do?"
"I asked her if she was moving in, she looked confused so I had to tell her what we spoke about the other night - why didn't you ask her to move in with you like you said you was going to?"
"Something happened and I haven't got round to it yet"

I phoned Maizie
"Hiya, I was tired I am sorry I didn't wait for you to come home"
"You could have stayed over here you know"
"I never thought"
"So your not up to talking tonight then?"
"No I am sorry Rio, I will come round in the morning"

I was outside playing my guitar when my phone was Raven
"hiya - you fancy coming over"
"No sorry Raven I am not coming over!!"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not - I told you when I left the other night, I wouldn't be coming round again, I made a big mistake sleeping with you the other night and it won't be happening again!!"

 "You can stop phoning me too because I have decided to move on with my life"
"and what does that mean?"
"It means I am over you and I am moving on"
"Its Maizie isn't it!!"
"Yes Maizie, and before you start, leave her alone!!"

The next day Maizie came round
"Since when have you been a vampire?"
"A few days now - Rhia turned me and Brad at the same time"
"I never even noticed yesterday I'm sorry - I am not doing very well am I!!"
"Not really!!"

"I wanted to ask you something important"
"Go on"
"Will you move in with me, I am sick of never being able to see you because you are babysitting our nephew all the time?"
"What move in so you can see me more?"
"No move in as in you being my girlfriend"

She started laughing
"Whats so funny??"
"You - what about Raven?"
"There is no Raven not any more - she was the biggest mistake I ever made, its just taken me a long time to realise how stupid I have been all these years?"

"Please Maizie will you move in with me?"
"I'll think about it"
"What's stopping you - unless I am too late or  you don't love me anymore?
"No your not too late and I do love you,  I am just not sure why you want to do this?"
"Because I love you what other reason would there be?"
"Well that is the first time you have ever said that to me!!"
"I love you - will you move in with me?"

"Ok I will on one condition"
"And what would that be?"
"I want a baby"
"Yes - I have wanted a baby of my own for so long - so if you don't want children then ..."
"No, that's fine, you can have as many babies as you want - its fine by me"
"Your sure"
"Of course I am sure I have wanted another baby for a long time!!"
"Ok, I'll move in then!!"

 Sara started squeeling
"Hey madam have you been listening?"
"Sorry I couldn't help it"
"You need to learn to stop being so nosey madam!!"
"Sorry Dad!!"
"I am going to work, you can help Maizie get her stuff from Rhia's"

Sara then turned her attention to Maizie
"are you really moving in!!"
"Yes I am - you are ok with that aren't you?"
"Yes of course I am, me and Dad talked about it already!!"
"Thats ok then!!"
"And I can still call you Mom now can't I"
"If you want to"
"And when am I getting a brother or sister?"
"Sara give us a chance!!!!"

When I got home from work I found Maizie and Sara chatting away in Sara's room.

I had to whisper in Maizies ear
"So do you fancy baby making?"
"Dad its rude to whisper" sara said
"Your too nosey and it nothing for your ears!!"

"You don't think madam is going to come barging in do you?"
"I hope not - but I can see I am going to have to fight her for your attention"
"She'll soon get used to me being here the novelty will wear off soon enough!!"

"So what do you want a boy or a girl?"
"I don't care what it is!!"
"Me neither"

Sara came bounding into the room
"Mom, Dad"
"Shhhhh Sara they are still asleep"
"I wanted to tell them something"
"Well it can wait and you should stop charging in here like that now Maizie has moved in"

"Rhia just phoned me shes having another baby!!"
"Really!!  Come on out, let them sleep you can tell them later"
"They should be awake by now!!"
"They will be in a minute if you don't shut up!!"

"Did Sara and Mom wake you"
"Yeah I don't know where she gets her energy from?"
"Nor me!!"

 "I suppose I should think about finding myself a job"
"Why you don't need to work if you don't want to, I earn enough"
"I didn't work while I was at Brads because I was looking after phillip while they worked"
"Well hopefully you will soon have our baby to look after so why don't you get a job working from home, if you feel you need to be working."
"I might try my hand at writing I have always wanted to do that"

"Are you ok you look a little pale - well paler than usual"
"No I actually feel a little sick"

"In fact I am going to be sick"
Maizie ran off to the toilet

I think there might be a baby on the way!!


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