Thursday 26 May 2011

Back in Time

I hate history - what is the point of it anyway??
Who cares what happened 1000's of years ago

19th century London???  
I really wished I had listened in class today!!

I know!!!!
I bet that time machine can help me.
Both of my parents are at work and won't be back for hours.

I really hope I have programmed this right
Oh well here goes!!

Tyler spent time in a saloon showing the lads a few card tricks
When banditos showed up and Tyler had to hight tail it out of there
and back into the time stream.

After helping a famous detective stop a heinous criminal from burning down
19th century London, tyler enjoyed catching a play at the theatre before
slipping back into the time stream.

Tyler picked up a nice flint axe from a friendly Neanderthal but accidentally
dropped it in the time stream during pickup, hopefully it doesn't end up 
somewhere dangerous.

Tyler watched in awe as the Kingdom of Kush bartered blocks of salt for all sorts of riches like gold and ivory.  Who knew salt was so precious back  in those times!!

The damn door is stuck

Wow that was close!!!

All I can hear is Trent screaming the house down.
OMG!!!  I should have been here looking after him
"I am sorry Tent!!"

"What on earth are you wearing Tyler?" Tia asked
"Fancy dress constume"  I lied
"Just making sure it fits, I am going to a fancy dress party at the weekend"
"It stinks!!"

"You have been in that machine haven't you!!"
"Don't be stupid!!"
"I am telling!!"
"Prove it!!"

Homework is done, stupid old clothes in the rubbish bin, just in time 
as Dad comes in from work.

"Is Trent ok?"
"Yeah he's asleep Dad"

If only he knew - he would kill me!!!


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