Thursday 5 May 2011

Chapter 1 - Gen 9 - Rio

"What do you think your doing young man!!"
"Nothing Dad"
"Move it now - you know better than that!!"
"Sorry Dad"
I love my Dad but sometimes he can be a little tooo much and he never seems to miss a thing.  I am really tired and all I want to do is go to bed, so for once in my life I put down my carton instead of cleaning it away and I am busted!!
I swear he has eyes in the back of his head!!!

I like to be a little mischievous sometimes because it makes me feel good, I sometimes get fed up of being a good boy.  My Dad has very set idea's about how things should be, and he can get pretty scary when he is angry at me.  It is exciting being naughty sometimes especially when he does not catch me.
3am in the morning out on the swing in the garden - if Dad found out he would go mental!!

I sneak back into the house and do my homework before school, 
which I should have done last night but didn't.

 Its 5am and I think I am safe going downstairs without getting into trouble.
"I want a word with you young man!!"
When he calls me young man I know I have a lecture coming
"Morning Dad!
"And what were you doing out in the garden at 4am this morning?"
"Errrr ..... I wasn't" I lied
"I wasn't seeing things was I, I woke up at 4am and I saw you creeping into the house, I would have caught you red handed if your sister had not woken up - Well?  Don't lie to me son, you know what I think about liars and lying."
"I... sorry Dad I was only playing on the swing"
"At that time in the morning - you should have been asleep in bed!!"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Well if you can not sleep you should stay in your room and read or something, what have I told you about going outside at stupid times of the night you never know who might be creeping around, it isn't safe - I have told you the story about how your mom became a vampire haven't I!!"
"Yes Dad"
"Don't do it again do you hear!!!  I was going to let you go to the game tomorrow but I don't know if you deserve to go now for your lying!!"
"I'm sorry Dad I wont do it again - can I pleeeeeeease go to the game tomorrow!!"
"I'll have to think about it now - go and get yourself ready for school!!"

I have already decided what I want to do when I leave school.  I want to be a Superstar Athlete like my parents. I love sport and I especially love watching the games, and even though I moan about him I do really look up to my Dad he is my hero.

My best friend is our baby sitter Meredith, because I have known her the longest out of all my friends.  She used to look after me but now she comes to look after my sister Rhia while Mom and Dad are at work and sometimes she stays after my parents get home and we hang out but mostly to play chess.  Meredith is a teenager, which I will be tomorrow because it is my birthday.

I am now a teenager - and now the fun begins - I hope!!!

 "It is your sisters birthday soon and we want to change your rooms around"
"But I like my room!!"
"Well we thought you might like the larger room and your sister can have your room"
"Can't I just stay where I am Dad please"
"No, we have put some stuff in there for you, a setee, a tv, a games console, a guitar, an easel and there is already a computer in there -  the rooms a lot bigger for you, and don't forget its got a double bed"
"Why can't Rhia, have one of the other rooms, there are two empty ones"
"We don't have the time to redecorate and go furniture shopping, we have some big games coming up, I don't know why all the fuss - I would have thought you would have liked the bigger room"
"I''ll move on one condition"
"And whats that?"
"You let me put some pictures on the wall"
"Oh no - you know I can't stand art everywhere"
"It won't be everywhere it will only be in my bedroom you won't even have to see it - just keep out of my room and you won't see it will you - please Dad I hate having bare walls everywhere!!"
"If it will get you to move rooms without a fuss - I suppose a few pictures won't hurt as long as they STAY in your room!!"
"Ok - I'll move - but don't forget you said I could put pictures on the wall!!"
"I know - I know!!"

My new room was not so bad I suppose.  It is a lot bigger and I have my own space.

I wished me and Rhia were closer in age.  I would have loved a brother or sister to play with when I was younger - it would have been nice to have had someone to talk to and someone to share secrets with.  Like now something was bugging me, something I had picked up on, a conversation I had overheared.  Talking to a toddler was no use and I definitely couldn't talk to my Mom about it and Dad - well Dad was the problem, so I doubt he would tell me the truth, if there was something to tell!!

I was about to walk into my room when I could hear my Dad, in my room, having a conversation with someone on the phone, I don't know what made me stop and listen, my Dad did not know I was by the door so he carried on with his conversation.

"Look Shantey I have told you not to phone me when I am at home, talk to me at work!!"
"Yes I know she works there too - there are plenty of opportunities during the day for you to speak to me alone - we are not attached at the hip you know" 
"I don't care, I don't want Razz getting suspicious - you keep phoning me don't you think she is going to start wandering that there might be something going on"
"Well tell her then and what exactly are you going to tell her - go on?"
"Of course I did not tell her what happened, she knew I saw you there but I did not tell her every detail obviously, she would just get upset" 
"Shantel please, don't do this!!"
"Yes I know you love me but what the hell do you expect me to do, you should never have come here you should have stayed in Riverview, why did you have to follow me here?"
"Don't start getting all hysterical on me again, or I'll put the phone down!!"
"Your drunk again arent you!!"
"Yes you are Shantey you only act like this when you have been drinking - that stuff is not going to make the situation any better is it!!"
"NO - talk to me again when your sober"
"Goodbye Shantel - no I am hanging up, get some sleep - you will feel better when you wake up"
"No Shantey I won't!!  Goodbye Shantey"

I really wish I had never heard that conversation - but what do I do with it that's the thing!!
I had only ever seen Shantel a few times - I knew she worked with Dad in Riverview and I knew she had married and divorced one of Dads relatives, and I knew there was some kind of atmosphere between them, but she loved my Dad,  I had definitely heard that much, but does he love her, from that conversation I could not really tell but what I could tell that he was sneaking about talking to her and he was scared of Mom finding out and getting upset - that could not be a good sign could it!!  And what is with the pet name Shantey???  I really had a nasty feeling about all this!!

If there was anything going on with my Dad and Shantel I am sure my Mother would not even notice anyway.  She is constantly  sat at her computer working, she is a bit of a workaholic!!

I am not artist but have always enjoyed painting.  Painting and art is a bit of a sore subject in our house because my Dad can not stand art and acts rather strangly around it.  The walls in our house have always been completely bare except for the odd certificate hung around.  I have never really understood my Dads aversion to art because down in the basement in one of the chests there is a painting, but not just a painting - a masterpiece painted by my Dad when he was a child!!

Of course my Dad made quite a fuss when he spotted my first painting on the wall.
"Dad remember you said I could put some pictures on the wall"
"Yes I know I just forgot"
"If you don't like it you will have to stop coming in here!!"
"You don't get rid of me that easily!!" Dad laughed
"Shame" I laughed
"Hey cheeky and don't forget I said a few - don't think you can fill every inch of the walls because I will just get your mother to take them down!!!

 Rhia has had her birthday and is now a child and at school, which she does not seem to like very much!!   I got into the habit of doing my homework as soon as I got home to stop my parents nagging and now Rhia does the same thing.

Rhia had only been at school a few days when she came out after class to be greeted by the Grim Reaper.  Someone had passed away from old age right outside the school and Rhia walked out of school just in time to see it.  I think this may be what has put her off school because she has also tried to bunk of school a few times but she did not get away with it because Dad was soon on her case!!

"I want a word with you young lady" 
This made me laugh a little because this was a sign a lecture was coming whenever either us are in trouble we become young lady or young man
"Now what's all this trying to bunk off school all about?"
"I don't like school - its boring!!" Rhia said
Time for me to make a quick exit and leave them too it - if she thinks school is boring wait till she has sat through one of Dads lectures!!

Things settled down a little with Rhia, suddenly she did not mind going to school everyday when she got herself a "boyfriend" - yeah I know at her age I ask you!!!  She either went home with Brad or Brad came home with her and she constantly went on about Brad.

If they were not together or she was not constantly talking about him, she would be talking to Brad on the telephone.  Of course I took great pleasure in playing up my little sister and teasing her about her boyfriend Brad!!

"Buzz off Rhia I am trying to learn something here" I said
"But I need to tell about what me and Brad did at lunchtime"
"Don't you ever shut up about that boyfriend of yours!!"
"Your only jellous because you don't have a girlfriend"
"I am not -and I could have a girlfriend if I wanted to - I just don't chose to at the moment"
"No you mean you can not chose which one" she started laughing
"And what would you know about it?"
"Brad says that your naughty he has seen you kissing Maizie and Raven and I have seen you kissing Wendy and Meredith"
"Well you and Brad should mind your own business!!"
"Your naughty and I am going to tell Dad" she stuck her tongue out at me
"You are going to tell Dad what?"  suddenly Dad appeared from nowhere
"Now see what you have done bigmouth!!"

"Come on one of you spit it out - Rio - Rhia" Dad said impatiently
"It was nothing Dad" I said hoping Rhia would keep her trap shut
"Rhia are you going to tell me?"
"Rio keeps being mean to me - he keeps teasing me!!"
"What have I told you about teasing your sister Rio"
"I am just joking with her because she THINKS she has a boyfriend"
"I do have a boyfriend" she snapped at me
"Aren't you a little too young for a boyfriend Rhia"
"No" she said
"And what do you do with this boyfriend of yours?"
I could not help but snigger
"What everybody does with their boyfriends"
I sniggered again
"Rio shut it - No Rhia I don't know what does everybody do with their boyfriends?"
"You know - hold his hand hug him and kiss him"
"Well I am telling you young lady you are not old enough to have a boyfriend"
And away he went reading Rhia the riot act!!

I was secretly sniggering in my head and carried on reading my book.  I was laughing about Rhia dropping herself in it - she thought she was going to get me into trouble when it was her getting the lecture off Dad and not me.  That was until she decided to drop me in it!!
"Oh so you are telling me off for having ONE boyfriend, what about Rio"
"And what about Rio"
"He keeps kissing girls and lots of them - aren't you going to tell him off"
Sometimes I hated having a little sister!!!!
"What do you mean kissing lots of girls?"  Dad asked
"He has been kissing Meredith and Wendy and Raven and Maizie all at the same time and Raven and Maizie are sisters and Brad says ........"
"Ok Rhia - you get to bed now while I talk to your brother"
She smiled at me as she slid off the couch - she could wait till later she was going to pay for this!!!

"So whats going on here then?" Mom sat down as Rhia walked away
"Rio is in trouble" Rhia started giggling
"Shut it squirt - I'll get you later!!" I shouted after her
"You will leave your sister alone Rio and put that book down we need to talk!!"
"So is what your sister says true?"
"What that I have kissed a girl - geewizz I am old enough"
"Its not one girl though is it - she mentioned four and two are sisters"
"So what's wrong with kissing girls - I like kissing girls"
"Stop being awkward Rio, I know you are not stupid and I think you know damn well what you are doing is wrong, I think I have drummed it into you enough over the years on how you should behave"

Away he goes another long lecture and all I could do was sit and pretend to be listening.  While he was going on I was wandering if he realized him keep ramming his morals and principals down my throat was choking me - the more you tell a kid not to do something the more they will go and do it - he was driving me nuts with his rules!!  Anyway, who is he to lecture me about my behaviour when I am not sure he is actually behaving himself - its just a good job my Mother was sat here too because I just might have ended up arguing with him and asking him about Shantel.

"Are you listening to me Rio"
"Yes Dad - sorry Dad!!  Can I go to bed now please I am tired"
"Yes, oh and by the way, you are both grounded - no after school activities for either of you, no going off to a friends house after school, straight home after school and any socialising either of you do it will be here, where I can keep an eye on you!!"
Great!!!  Just Great!!!

 "I am scared Razz"
"What of Paige?"
"I am scared he is going to turn out like Perry and like my Moms Uncle Nial.  Rio has started to behave just like Perry was at his age a different girl everyday, and two sisters, even Perry didn't stoop that low!!  I have told you what Perry turned out to be haven't I!!"
"I should not worry - you have grounded him, its not like he can get up to much now is it, we'll just have to keep our eye on him and deal with whatever happens!!"


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