Tuesday 19 April 2011

Introducing "First Born Heir"

A Wishacy usually runs over seven generations.

As I have just completed my seventh generation this wishacy is complete.  However, I have decided to carry on this wishacy for as long as I can - to see how many generation I can achieve before one of the heirs meets an untimely end to finish the wishacy completely.

This is already my second completed Wishacy challenge and as I am so stuck in the rut of playing the "Wishacy way" I would only be starting another new one - so carrying on with the one I have seems the logical thing to do.

But I plan to shake it up a little, make a few rule amendments and give myself a goal for each set of seven generations I complete.

For Generations 8 - 14 
I have decided to play "First Born Heir"


"First Born Hier" will be played 100% wishacy with the following few exceptions.
  • 1. The Heir will always be the First Born Child. - There will be no heir votes - the first child born to the current heir is automatically the next heir, however they turn out!!  If the first child dies before it becomes the next heir then the job passes down to the second child. If the second child is the next heir and that child also dies then it is wishacy over!!!
  • There is a Limit to the children they can have - Each heir will only be allowed a maximum of 3 children - so if they wish for a fourth or more children their wishes can be ignored - because they will not be getting anymore than 3.  This rule can only be bent or broken if for your second or third pregnancy you have a natural multiple birth that takes you over the 3 child limit.
  • NO Fertility Treatment Allowed!!!  This is to safeguard against multiple births and help prevent any more than 3 children.
Everything else is 100% wishacy.

Note - My blog will also be getting a name change :) when I can think of a suitable name :S
Generation 8 
Chapter 1 coming soon


  1. Sounds great! I can't wait to see what will be in store for 8-14 ;)

  2. Thats me Jennifer, I was signed in to the wrong account.....lol
