Saturday 9 April 2011

Chapter 9 - Gen 6 - Neo

I was actually amazed to see that Jill was doing something useful for a change.  She had been with us a week so far and all she had managed to do is clean two things, cook thousands of meals, burn down the kitchen and  fix one broken computer.

She just sits and stares at the mess that we really want her to be sorting out!!  She hardly sleeps either, which does not help because she is constantly drinking cups of coffee and passing out from exhaustion.

The house is not only cluttered up with plasma juice cartons it is also cluttered up with plates of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that nobody is eating.  The butler who I hired to help sort out the untidy and unclean house has actually made the situation much worse.  I was actually pretty pleased when she walked out - she said she could not cope with a  houseful of vampires and left!!  Remind me never to hire a butler again!!!

Owen had his birthday - he is now a toddler.
He has Violets hair colouring and my eye colouring.

Since Owen has become a toddler, Oliver has suddenly taken an interest in his little brother.
Oliver must just not the baby stage!!!

Ocean has a new best friend at school  her cousin - Kristan, Natasha's daughter.  They quite often go home with each other after school.

I think that it is actually pretty funny that my very dark skin colouring should appear in one of Natasha's children and not mine.

It is not long before we get our third teenager in the house.  Ocean has her birthday.

Straight away she is talking about music, she is music mad, and soon finds the musical instruments in the basement that have never been touched since Nial and Natasha left.  I was actually convinced that she would probably want a career in music so I was very surprised when she said she wanted to become a Forensic Specialist, a DNA Profiler - where that has come from I don't have a clue!!!!

Owen like Ocean was very taken with Noah as a toddler.  Noah actually managed to teach Owen to talk and potty train him as well.

We never even realized until it was happening, but Noah did get his birthday, and he did age up to a young adult, which made me feel a hell of a lot easier that he would not be a teenager forever.  He is still a vampire too which was a relief to Noah more than for me.

So now we are both young adults together how it should be.  Even though I am years ahead of him, I carried on living when he was not.  We were feeling pretty happy and very optimistic,  I was close to mastering the cooking skill and Noah was close to mastering the fishing skill.  Hopefully soon our plan would come together and we were both praying that it was going to work!!!!!

Violet is back at work.  She was a paramedic but came home today after having a promotion to medical intern.  She says she would actually like another baby but not until she is a lot closer to or even not until after she has achieved her Life Time Wish.  So we have no more children planned for now - maybe in the future.  For now though I am pretty happy with just the four that we have got.

Noah started to withdraw himself a little since becoming a young adult, knowing Noah that usually meant that there was something behind it.  He started to use the bedroom we had had done for the live in butler.  Then one day I found him at the computer having a conversation with someone - when I found out who - I think I knew what was wrong with him.

I stood behind him and read a little bit of the conversation
"Noah - please tell me that is not Nial's Shantel you are talking to"
I made him jump, he had not heard me coming
"If I had not died she would have been my Shantel wouldn't she"  he snapped at me
"Please don't tell me ........."
"Don't worry, I am not like Nial, I will leave her alone, I know she is married to Nial"
"I don't know what to say to you Noah"
"There is nothing you can say - its just a little unfair - why did I have to go and die!!"
"How long have you two been having conversations like this?"
"Quite a while, but you don't have to worry, it is something I am just going to have to live with aren't I!!"
"Come on Noah - you have fishing to do and I have cookery reading to do!!"

I really did feel sorry for him and I did not know what to say to him, I knew he liked Shantel he was just too shy to do anything about it even though she showed him how much she liked him.  It would be sad if they could not be together because she was with Nial who I think was just with her for convenience more than anything else.

Owen has now learnt all of his toddler skills I finished teaching him how to walk today.

 My eldest son Oliver has had his birthday and is now a young adult.  
This in a way makes me feel old even though I am not!!!

But it was not until a few days after his birthday when I saw him kissing his girlfriend Kim that I knew it was time that I made the decision on who I was going to pass the two books and the teddy bear onto.

My generation was all but over, I had achieved my Life Time Wish to become a World Renowned Surgeon and I had four children to chose from - I had to chose which one was going to be the hier for the next generation of our family.
There is just one more thing that I have to do

Second Chance 

1 comment:

  1. Oliver is a cutie! And already found love, good for him!
