Sunday 6 February 2011

Chapter 6 - Gen 3 - Kandice

I slept till after dinnertime the next day.  I did not really mind sleeping half the day away because it was not like there was a lot I could do unless I was indoors.  I wanted to practice at the Academy but that would have to wait till after dark.

So I made my way down to the Market, I wanted to do some shopping.

I visited all the shops, the book shop, food shop, relic shop and general store.  I managed to buy quite a few things like skill books, recipies and food I could not buy back at home.

The food merchant got a little excited when he saw me and asked me for my autograph.

So did the General Store merchant.  He started to chat to me and I found out his name was Shen Su.  I am actually surprised that my celebrity status has followed me this far.

While I was in the book shop, my phone started ringing.

"Hiya Kandice, its your agent, I have got a little job for you to do"

"I am supposed to be on holiday you know"

"Yeah I know - but your in China so its ideal for you."

"Go on then where and what?"

"Can you pop along to the Academy and workout for 4 hours, they think it might help to drum up a little interest in the place."
 "I was popping along to do some martial arts practice later anyway"
"No - not martial arts - they want you to work out on the treadmill for 4 hours"
"You have got to be kidding me right!!"
"No, Im not kidding 4 hours on the treadmill"

I was not impressed at all.  I had to now waste four hours running on the treadmill, when I can do that at home, I've come to China for the martial arts not the damn treadmill.

Four hours later, the job was done.  $500 was it really worth it!!??

I took my frustration out on the training dummy

The paparazzi are everywhere - they are actually driving me a little mad.   I am practising martial arts and have 3 pap's taking pictures of me at the same time - its ridiculous!!  One thing I have noticed though, the public disgrace does not seem to have reached this far as nobody has reacted badly towards me!!

I can not even do anything in the hotel without a paparazzi following me around.

I had slept half of the day away again, so I had less daylight hours to worry about filling.

I made my way to the market area and while I was wandering around I spotted  a hole in the ground.  Remembering my last experience with one of these holes, I nearly walked past it but then decided not too, curiously I put my hand in and had a feel around.

I was amazed when a stair case opened up infront of me.

Of course I had to go and have a look now I had opened it up.

I looked at the map that Hui had given me yesterday.  I was surprised to see that there was nothing marked on the map telling me where I was.  It is like this place did not exist.

Nothing but a long room, surely there has to be more to this than what I could see.

Something caught my eye that I found very strange.  It was like a door mat or half a rug against a piece of wall section that was a slightly different colour to all the rest of the walls

I got closer to the wall and started feeling it when I heard a noise behind me.
When I turned round I couldn't believe it, a flash of bright light blinded me for a second - the paparazi - taking pictures - unbelievable!!

"Don't you have anything better to do than sneaking up on people??"

"I am sorry, I did not mean to frighten you" he replied

Looking at the little elderly man stood infront of me I felt quite guilty for snapping at him now.

I introduced myself to him.

He was quite a nice man, and we actually chatted for quite a while and he ended up teaching me two chinese songs.

Feeling hungry I decided to make my way up to the food merchants to see if he had any plasma fruit or juice.

After I had eaten some plasma fruit to calm down my thirst, I noticed that the food merchant, Shen was watching me.  I suddenly on impulse wanted to ask him what his star sign was, so I walked around the counter to where he was standing.

Shen is so flirty - straight away he started flirting with me - and I quite liked it!!

I am really not sure why, but I wanted to offer to turn him into a vampire, and when I did offer he didn't complain, he held his arm out for me to bite.

I wanted to kiss him for the first time and before I knew it this is where I spent the last day of my holiday behind this shop counter with Shen.

We spent the rest of the day, kissing and making.  At this point I actually did not want to go home.

But I had to go home, my holiday was over, I just hoped I would see Shen again!!!

I did not enjoy the journey home it seemed to take forever.  As soon as I got back I made a long distance phonecall to China and spoke to Shen.  We chatted for a while and  I said I would speak to him again soon.

When I got back, I was surprised at how much Jasmine had grown.

She has had her birthday while I have been away.  She has Symphony's hair colouring as well as her eye colour.

Even though I had been sorry to leave China - I was really happy to be sleeping in my own bed again!!

Lets just hope the ghostly Grandmother does not come along to spoil my sleep!!


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