Wednesday 2 February 2011

Chapter 1 - Gen 3 - Kandice

I am 12 years old and I have decided to start keeping a scrapbook of my life.

"Grandma get out of my laundry basket!!" 

I am getting really fed up of my Grandmothers ghost keep coming into my room and freaking me out!!

I really don't know why she won't leave me alone and let me sleep!!!  Is it because I have her blue hair she things she can pick on me more!!!  

  I have been sat here on my bed for ages waiting for her to stop with her racket, I think I am going to have to find another room if I am going to get any sleep tonight!! 

I went into another bedroom and just as I started nodding off to sleep, she started banging about in this room - I swear she is doing this on purpose!!

"Get back into your gravestone you stupid ghost - can't you see I am trying to sleep here!!!!"

  How childish is she pulling faces at me instead of speaking to me!!!

"I can pull faces too look - now - will you go away please so I can get some sleep!!"

 "If you keep on tormenting me do you know what I am going to do when I grow up??

"No what are you going to do?" Grandmas asked

"I am going to become a ghost hunter and you are going to be the first ghost that I zap!!"

I have given up any thought of sleep, my Grandmother's ghost is in a really mischievous mood tonight!!  It's just a good job it is Saturday and I don't have to go to school.

I decided to pass the time away painting, everyone else is in bed asleep.

I am not really artistic, but I still enjoy painting.  My pictures are not very good compared to everyone else's, but I am still only a child, so hopefully they will get better!!
"You are up early Kandice, couldn't you sleep??"  my Dad said

"No, Grandma wouldn't let me sleep, she kept following me around doing silly things and making noise"

"Does she do this often?"

"Only sometimes, Dad, can't you stop her!!"

 "Call me next time she does it and if she keeps on doing it I will have to take her gravestone back to the graveyard"

 I love my Dad, he is my favourite person in the whole world.

My Uncle Tommie had his birthday today.  He looks just like my Grandad Toby. He is now a young adult and will be moving out pretty soon, but he is sticking around for a little while longer to look after my little brother Kane while Mom and Dad are at work, my Mom worries over getting a babysitter too much!!!

Uncle Tommie has already taught Kane how to talk and is now trying to teach him how to walk.

I love music and I love dancing.  I have the Party Animal trait, so don't be surprised  if I am not dancing all the time!!!  I can not wait till I am old enough to hit those dance clubs!!

I am not exactly a neat sim like my Mom, but one thing I really really really hate is dirty toilets!!  If I see a dirty toilet, I just have to clean it.

This is my cousin Chance, my Uncle Liam's son.  I see him at school sometimes and Kian hangs about with him sometimes, but not often.

I only have one more cousin at the moment who is my Aunty Dawns daugher Melonie

I am going to my best frends house after school, and I have quite a bike ride to her house as she lives on the oposite side of town to us.  I think they must be really poor becase Cassey lives in a 2 bedroom house with her Mom Dad twin brother Cory and two older brothers.

Casey and Cory are twins and I am friends with both of them at school but Casey is my best friend.  They are a funny family most of them have purple and blue hair and purple eyes.  Their Mom and one of thier other older brothers has orange hair and orange eyes.

This is their Dad and one of their older brothers Chace

We found out that Cory is a Party Animal a Genius and Excitable like me, at the moment we share all the same traits.

I do my homework every night when I get home, and I am not doing too badly at school, I am supposed to be a genius so Mom thinks I should be doing better.  I am a grade B and have not made it onto the honour roll like my brother Kian who is always on it the swatt!!!

Drinking plasma juice is not actually much fun - but I am a vampire  so I need to drink it to survive.

Nobody really cooks meals in our house unless we have human visitors, and the only food I eat on a regular basis is birthday cake

I am not sure that we are quite  "normal" as families go - besides us all being vampires, we also have ghosts.  My grandparents - Grandma Blue and Grandad Sherman - are living with us, they sleep in their gravestones at the bottom of the garden, but are always wandering around the house at night.

Kian's 20th Birthday
Happy Birthday Kian

Kian looks just like Dad - quite spooky!!!!

Kian has got himself a job at the music threatre in town - he wants to be a famous Rock Star one day!!

I am outside eating cake again, there are so many birthdays in our house and there is always cake

I enjoy playing chess on the computer but I really would like a chess table, I need to talk to my Dad about buying one.

Kian has got himself a new girlfriend, and I keep catching them kissing each other - YUK!!!

Symphony is actually quite nice, she is working at the hospital like Mom and wants to be a world renowned surgeon one day.

Tomorrow it is Kane's birthday, it is also my birthday tomorrow and I will be becoming a teenager.

Extra pictures

Chapter 2 coming soon


  1. O.O You know, I recall saying earlier that I prefer longer hair... But Kian's short hair must have grown on me, because I was utterly shocked at his new look when he aged up. xD

    OMGWTF?!?!?! Symphony! *squee* That just made me so happy, and she's not even my Sim, haha.

  2. I love the exchange in the beginning with her grandma, that's hilarious!

    Aww, Symphony!!

  3. I could not find hair that suited him other than the same as his dad - he looks identical to samir - so i had to give him a beard so i can tell them apart lol

  4. asdkfjaoijfaslkdccin!!!!! Symphony! *giggles like a schoolgirl* Aw, she's Kain's new girlfriend! Love it! I was so not guessing her either! ;)

    I like this idea of Kandice and her little scrapbook. It's cute! :)

  5. I also have a child heir for gen 2 of my wishacy and have written the first chapter draft as a series of diary entries - glad to see you also had a similar idea!
