Sunday 20 February 2011

Chapter 1 - Chasing the Past

 By Chase Swan

"Why a plane ride when we could have driven?"  Kayla asked me
"Well what would you rather - half hour on a plane or a five hour drive"
"Plane - and why am I coming with you exactly"
"I think you need a little space from Samir - I don't like what I am seeing, you are spending way too much time with him - and what about Anton?"

"I am still seeing Anton if that is what you are getting at!!"
"Well I have never seen him at our house and your not exactly acting like you have a boyfriend -  you spend too much time with Samir and I don't like it!!".
"Anton doesn't like coming to our house, it brings back too many memories of his Dad, and sister and half brother Tommie who have all died there, he grew up in our house remember!!"

"Is this where we are staying - what is it?" Kayla asked
"Yes, we are staying here - its a hotel"

We arrived at the hotel just before the sun started to come up.  I checked in while Kayla went and had a nosey round the place.

"Oh - do you have a phone book I can use?" I asked the receptionist

"Yes there should be one in your room Mr Swan and its rooms 1 and 2, your bags have already been taken up"
"Thank you!!"

"This is quite a nice place" Kayla remarked
"Yeah, we'll go and check out the rooms and sometime today I need to find out exactly where the theatre is and arrange to meet Jake Stone there - if I can find his number"
"Dad what am I supposed to do?"
"I will be working alot so you will have to keep yourself amused - Chill, you have a week off work - so make the most of it, it won't be happening too often, you could always go to the beach, and I am sure there are plenty of places in Twinbrook to keep you amused - ask the receptionist I am sure she will point you in the right direction!!"

We had to walk through the bar area to get to the stairs to our rooms.
"Lets have a drink first"
"Ok" Kayla said
"I am glad its quiet in here - hopefully we won't get hassled by the paparazzi too much in this town"
Maybe I spoke too soon because the bartender piped up - "Oh its Chase Swan - such an honour, these drinks are on us"
"Maybe you will" Kayla laughed at me

Oh well it was a nice thought!!

"So how serious are you and Anton"
"Very I would say"
"Yes, I had hoped he would ask me to marry him but he hasn't yet, so I think I might have to do it"
I nearly choked on my drink, I couldn't talk for coughing.
"He was married before you know, but his wife died of old age, she did not want to be a vampire and they never had any children"

"Before we go up to the room - come and see the gym I found"
Pretty handy I suppose if you are into all that exersice stuff.

I watched Kayla jump onto one of the treadmills, she spent most of the time falling over, she soon gave up and we went to check out our rooms.

I needed to phone Jake Stone, to arrange to meet him at the theatre, and I had stupidly left his number scribbled on a piece of paper by the phone in the kitchen at home.

I found the the phone book and started looking through it. I found the S's then running my finger down the page Sl - St - Stone, David Stone, Jack Stone, ahhhh Jake Stone - only one listed so hopefully that is the one!!  I quickly scribbled down the number.

I really don't know what made me look further down the page, but a name jumped out at me Strong - Suzanna Strong.  No - it couldn't be could it??!!  Surely she would not have kept her married name.  No other Strong's listed in Twinbrook, now what was her name before she married Lex - Banner - yes thats it Banner.  I flicked to the front of the phone book, and found the B's Banner, Banner - Chad Banner - mmmmmmmm I am sure that was Suzanna's brothers name, and there were no other Banner's listed.  The hair stood up on the back of my kneck - what if it was her - surely it was not going to be so easy!!!  Even though I had told Kayla I would try to find her mother, I had kept putting it off, now that name has just jumped out at me - surely not - it couldnt be!!!

Kayla bound into the room, jumped on the bed and turned on the TV.
"My room is exactly like yours, can't I just bunk in with you"
"Your old enough to be sleeping alone in bed and I am fussy who I sleep with"
"Charming -- thanks!!!"
I was in shock - I turned the page back to the S's and found her name again.  Kayla was giggling at some film she was watching so I lay on the bed next to her, phonebook still in hand just staring at the name address and telephone number.
"Dad, what are you reading\/"
"Oh nothing"
"That's a telephone book isn't it , you have been staring at that page for ages"
"Sorry I was miles away.

I jumped off the bed and snapped the phone book shut and stuffed it back into the draw.

Looking at Kayla lay on the bed laughing - I had to do it for her - I had to at least find out if it was her mother.

"I just have to pop out and do a few things. you'll be ok won't you?"
"Yeah fine!! Have fun!!"
I laughed "I will try!!"

I had memorised the address, so I called a cab to take me there, I was praying that it was not going to be her.
Jumping into the cab, the driver asked "Where too mate?"
"178 Savannah Lane"
The driver turned in his seat and looked at me for a moment, and I wandered why, soon I would find out - only just a few minutes later and just one road away the driver pulled up outside a small house
"There you go mate, 178 Savannah Lane"
I felt such a fool - I could have walked it - I could see the back of the hotel from here, its no wander the driver gave me a strange look when I told him the address!!

I stood outside the house and suddenly felt quite sick.  Was I doing the right thing??  What sort of trouble might it bring if it was Suzanna - what would Lex think or do??  I had to think about Kayla and Evan, both of them wanted to find their mother, Evan Needed to find his mother.

The sun was up, I had to pull myself together and get a move on.

Nervously I rang the doorbell, stood back and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

The door opened and out she walked.
It was her and I suddenly became dumb struck
I stood staring at her, she stood staring at me - I think she knew already!!!

"OMG - Chase is that you - it is isnt it OMG!!!!"
"OH NO - you should never have come here - you should never have found me!!"
"Hi Suzie" thats all I could say
"Chase please you have to leave - I can't deal with this now!!"
"I am not going anywhere Suzie, your daughter - Kayla remember her, she wants to see you"

"OH NO Chase - please don't make me do that!!"

"Kayla wants to see you and Evan needs you - I would not be here otherwise!!"
"Lex - please tell me Lex does not know where I am"
"No its just me at the moment, but Kayla is here in Twinbrook, she doesn't know I have found you yet"
"Don't tell her, Chase do me a favour, go back to Riverview and forget you have seen me!!"

 I wish I had not seen her again!!

I went and did it I cracked up, my over emotional side took over and I broke down.

"I see you are still a sniveller!!!"
"Shut up Suzie, you know I am over emotional!!"
"Yeah I always thought that was quite cute!!  Quite the opposite to that brute of a brother of yours - he better not have sent you here!!"
"No I am here because your children need you!!"

"You need to let me in pretty soon, I noticed you are a vampire too and if you don't hurry up and let me in we are both going to fry - the suns up unless you hadn't noticed"

"I think you should just go Chase - it will be much easier for all of us!!!"

"NO!!!!  What did Evan and Kayla ever do to you NOTHING - so why take out the anger you have for me and Lex out on them its not fair - they are your children for god sake!!!"

"This isn't about them or Lex, I am not angry with you - its something else"

"What is that suppose to mean, it just sounds like excuses to me - what could stop you seeing Evan and Kayla - unless you are a cold hearted bitch and just don't want to - but then you must be -  you just ran off and left them after all - any normal mother would have taken them with her!!"
"That'll not fair - I love my kids, it breaks my heart that I can't see them!!
"What has ever stopped you - who has ever stopped you!!??.  Do you have a new husband you haven't told yet that you have two children you ran away from and dumped"
"No, I have been alone since I left -  I am still married to Lex as far as I know!!"
"My God - you do surprise me!!!  Then tell me Suzie - you need to explain to me why you can't or won't see Evan and Kayla!!"

"I can't Chase, its too hard - you will get hurt!!"
"I am used to hurt - and I doubt you could hurt me anymore than you already did!!"
"Oh yes I could"
"Look Suzie, I am frying, unless you want your daughter, who is sat in that hotel over there blissfully unaware that I am stood here with her mom, to be taking her Dads ashes back home thinking she has no parents at all - you will let me in NOW!!!!!
"Oh - go on then - but don't say I didn't warn you - you are not going to like it!!!
The woman is off her head!!!

I walked in pretty relieved to be getting out of the sun so at first it didn't really register that there was somebody else in the room until she spoke.
"Mom who is that?"
When I looked up I was pretty shocked at what I was looking at and I could see she was staring at me in exactly the same way.

"Now I hope you are happy Chase, I am sure you are bright enough to work it out for yourself, I think its pretty obvious myself!!"
"Charity just hold on a minute will you honey, I will explain everything to you in a bit - I'm sorry I never wanted you to find out this way!!"
I had to blink quite a few times, my vision went blurred, I felt queazy and light headed.
In front of me stood a girl about Kayla's age, my hair, my eyes, in fact, I was looking at myself - then it hit me.
"Suzie - Please tell me that's not - she's not what I think she i!!"
"I am sorry Chase, yes she is!!"
The room started to spin then everything went black

Chapter 2

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