Tuesday 1 March 2011

Chapter 25 - Gen 3 - Kandice

Arriving at the hospital Chase stood his ground and refused to go in.

"You go in alone - I really don't want anything to do with this"
"Chase the tests?"
"They can call me in when they need me - you can go and do what you have to do without me"

How mean and how is he going to feel if the baby actually is his - oh well that's his problem!!

So I went into the hospital alone


by Chase

Outside the hospital

"Chase why have you let Kandice go in alone? Keeley asked
"Well I am sure you have heard all the rumours - your sister has been cheating on me"
"Yes I heard that but ..."
"The baby might not be mine"
"Oh - I'm sorry!!"
"Not as sorry as she and Cory will be if the baby is not mine!!"
"Chase, I don't know what to say, I know she's my sister,  and I know what's she's been like in the past but I did not realise she was still at it - she's terrible, I am sorry!!
"Its not your fault Keeley, she has brought it all onto herself!!  I should have stayed away from her in the first place like your Dad wanted me too!!"

A nurse popped her head round the door
"Mr Swan can you step inside please, we need to do those tests now"

I was now getting nervous, I hope these tests go the way I wanted - I really do not want this baby to be mine, Kandice is never going to cause me nothing but heartache and I really needed to get away from her - the baby not being mine would give me the perfect excuse - give me the push I needed to walk away and never look back.  I could move to Twinbrook and hopefully have a better life with Suzie - God I miss her!!!

After being poked and prodded I was pushed out into the corridor to sit and wait for the doctor to call me back in once they had the test results.  This seemed like the longest wait of my life.  I had not seen Kandice, I did not have a clue where she was or even what the baby was a boy or a girl. 

Over an hour later I was stood outside the hospital in total shock - my world tipped upside down - not once but twice.  The doctors words kept ringing in my ears
"I am happy to tell you Mr Swan that you are the biological father of the twin girls"
Happy - happy - I was not happy at all - this is exactly what I did not want!!!!!

Twins - two reasons to keep me here living in hell - now there was no way I could leave !!!!  Kandice so the nurse had informed me had already gone home and taken one of the babies with her, the other she had left for me to bring home.  Was she testing me??  She had a baby - I had a baby - I could quiet easily just go now, take the baby with me and never come back!!!  I looked into the babies eyes, she had my eyes, just like Laura had and Charity - this baby needed a Mom, the baby at home needed a Dad, I could not put two more of my children through what Kayla and Charity have had to go through. 
NO!!!!  It does not matter about me
For the babies Sakes - I went home.


 by Kandice

I had hoped that when Lilly and Lilac turned out to be Chases babies, he would be happy and we could start getting things back on track and back to normal, back to the way we used to be.  But I was wrong - he was far from happy, I could see it in his face every time I looked at him, his eyes had lost their sparkle - I think I have lost him anyway!!!

I was just grateful that he had stuck to his word - he was staying for the babies and I now knew that's all I could expect it to be - I doubt he would ever forgive me for Cory!!!

Everything he took out on me, never the girls, he was like in the past the doting Dad, he spent most of his time taking care of the girls, he made them into his life outside work.  Me I was nothing, he could not even be bothered to talk to me any more.

Birthday time came around pretty quickly, Leon was turning into a young adult.

Straight away he went and enrolled into Law Enforcement.  He Lifetime Wish is to become an International Superspy.

I was pretty upset when I overheard a conversation between Leon and Kayla.  It made me realise the damage we were still doing to our chilldren.

"I can not wait to move out of this place - why have you stuck it out so long Kayla?"
"I worry over Dad, I don't want to leave him while they are like this!!"

"Well me and Lacey have been talking and as soon as she has her birthday, seeing as she plans on getting a job in Law Enforcement too, we have decided we will move out together and get a place of our own - we can not take this atmosphere for much longer!!"

Lilly was just like Laura, she had Chases eyes and my hair colour.

Now Lilac is a little bit of a mystery - where her hair colour comes from I don't have a clue.

The only way I can describe it is Ginger.  Not as Orange as Kaylas and not as brown as my Dads.  It is a colour somewhere in between the two,

While Chase is spending all of his time with the twins, and you can tell he was far from happy, they never seemed to notice, it was not the twins that he was unhappy with it was the rest of his life - mainly me and our relationship.  

He thinks I don't know, but I know he phones Twinbrook nearly everyday, whether he is talking to Charity or Suzanna I don't know.  I think I know what he wants - he wants her and not me - but I am not willing or prepared to let him go.

These days I do manage to get the occassional hug from him but only because I make it happen.

I try to talk to him sometimes and get hardly any response from him, but what I get is better than what I was getting before - absolutely nothing.

Socially I do actually feel pretty lonely and have taken to get conversation from people I actually don't know - I will chat with anyone on the computer these days, it passes the time away!!

Out of the blue I received an unexpected phonecall from China.

OMG  -  Shen!!!!!
How many years has it been - it is no wander I had forgotten he even existed!!!

Later on I suddenly wished to hang out with Shen.  Ha!  don't worry I have learnt my lesson, I think, I am not going to go tearing off to China or invite him over to stay.  Another phonecall fulfilled my wish to hang out with Shen - I am quite proud of myself!!!!

I have to say I have not been a good mother to Lilly and Lilac - I have hardly spent anytime with them at all up till now, probably because Chase has spent so much time with them, they haven't needed me.  Chase has pretty much handled all the crying and feeding and nappy changing single handed.

The day I have been dreading.  Its time for Lacey to have her birthday and become a young adult.  It should have been Laura's birthday too today.

I knew what was coming next but it still did not make it any the easier to cope with.

Lacey joined the Law Enforcement, and was now working along side Leon.

Within days of Laceys birthday, Leon and Lacey had packed their bags and moved out into a house together.  

 This left me and Chase with just Kayla, Anton and the twins.  I felt like we had driven all of our children out of the house with our fueding.

I started to help Chase out with teaching the girls their skills, I was going to have to start changing things between us, spending time in the same room as him and getting under his feet had to provoke some sort of reaction out of him, even if it was him shouting at me.

I could feel him watching me.  He had been teaching Lilly to walk.  Now he was just stood there watching me teaching Lilac to talk.  Poor Lilly sitting patiently waiting for Chases attention.

Lilly started squealing so he turned his attention back to her and carried on teaching her to walk.

The next day I find him standing and staring at me again - I would love to know what is going on in his head.

Time to strike while the iron is hot I think!!  But I did not need to do anything because he came over to me and hugged me.

He told me he was worrying about our relationship - I thought he had gone way past worrying about it!!!

"I can not carry on like this Candy"
"No neither can I"

"We either need to break up or get back to where we were - I just can not live this way any more, I am going crazy"

"Chase what do you expect me to do, you are the one who has been saying how it goes for quite a while, I forgave you ages ago, but you won't let me near you, you will not even talk to me, I am not breaking up with you - I love you!!  You need to forgive me and let it go so we can get back to where we were before all the bad things happened"

I tried to remember the last time I had kissed him and he had kissed me.  It had been so long, I could not even remember.

This was a start!!

It was not going to be easy, we have a long way to go to get back to where we used to be

But we are moving in the right direction.

I have just rolled a wish - a wish I am not going to tell Chase about just yet - I want another baby.

Chapter 26
OMG - this generation seems like an eternity - but it won't be long now - Kandice only needs one more promotion to achieve her LTW - I can not wait until I move onto the next generation :)
Kandice is so stubern and it looks like she is reeling Chase back in again  she is not going off her nut everytime he tried to touch her - she still has not wished to break up with him and there relationship is getting better - poor Chase, if he had had his wishes come true he would have broke up with Kandice and ran off to twinbrook!!!  But this is a wishacy and Kandices wishes have to come first :/ - not that she deserves it!!!!


  1. Leon is quite handsome..is he available for download? I'm glad Chase's relationship with Kandice is sort of mending but I secretly wish they would real up. Maybe when Kayla takes over Chase will be allowed to break up with Kandice since she'll no longer be the wish controller. ;)

  2. Holy Cow, always a wild and crazy ride, your wishacy is. :) So, the girls were Chase's! Poor Chase, having to live with such a crazy Kandice! And now she wants another baby?!? Yep. I think she secretly has a hidden 'insane' trait. :)
