Thursday 13 January 2011

Chapter 3 - Gen 1 - Faith

I walked out of the hospital in a daze - not because of what I had just been through - but what I was walking out of the hospital with!!!  Jebidiah had been right I was having a little girl, but not just one I had had two little girls.  I was a twin, so not surprisingly I had had twin girls.  I was not really prepared for one, let alone two!!!
First came Taylor, I knew she was coming and 
I already had a name picked out for her.
Just after 6am my second little girl appeared so I called her 
Dawn because of the time she was born.
I think things may just be a little harder than I had imaged.  I just hope I am up to the job of raising twins alone!!!  Standing there watching them both sleeping, I could not believe that they were my little girls, they were so perfect and so tiny - I thought about Toby and what he was missing out on.  AAAWWW I really need to stop thinking about him!!!!!
Of course, I knew that this was coming - Publically Discraced for having a child out of wedlock.  I would just have to keep my head down for the next few days then hopefully they would find someone else to gossip about!!!
At first I did not want to leave the house and leave them in the hands of a babysitter.  So I occuppied my time around the house painting and playing darts inbetween the feeding and nappy changes.
But they definately kept me on my toes, I was not getting enough sleep myself and was getting very tired, but I managed and I was quite proud of the way I was coping!!!  I spent a lot of time infront of those two cribs, and once one baby was happy, I had the other one to deal with.
Everytime I managed to get them both happily sleeping at the same time I tried to catch up on some sleep.
I wanted to invite Jebidiah over and hangout, so I phoned him after he had finished work and invited him over.  He came, and after chatting for a while, I thought I would really like to have him as a best friend, which means spending a lot more time with him, so on impulse I asked him to stay over, and he agreed.  He ate some Autumn salad that I made for him then he went to bed.  This is where I realized how stupid I had been asking him to spend the night - I had sold the spare beds - so now where was I going to sleep!!!!
Jebidiah was sleeping in my bed - and the twins were asleep and I really needed sleep!!!!  You have heard the saying about "climbing into bed with your boss" - Well, I had no choice, it was either that or be collapsing from exhaustion!!!  I lay there just before falling asleep thinking, I just hope he does not roll over in the night and cuddle up to me I would be so embarrassed!!!!!!
Luckily, I don't think he knew we had spent the night in the same bed, the twins both started screaming so I got up and settled them down, and started making pancakes for when he woke.  I wanted to improve my cooking skill, not having any books, cooking for human guests is a good way to improve that skill.
I was saved from another embarrassing moment when he rushed off to work without eating breakfast, thankfully he did not get to try the burnt offerings that were supposed to be pancakes!!!  They just went straight into the bin!!!
I finally plucked up the courage to leave the twins in the hands of a babysitter.  I wanted to take a photo of the babies, and I did not have a camera, and the only place I knew that sold them occassionally was the consignment store.  I think I have found myself a good babysitter - Jarrad is very good with the girls, he feeds them and plays with them and changes nappies and as soon as they cry he is there looking after them.
I felt a lot better having Jarrad looking after them and leaving them was not such a worry.  I headed off to the consignment store and thought I recognised the man behind the till from the dance club I had been too on my first night in town, but I did not know his name.
They did not have any camera's so I bought a few skill books.
"OH, its you, no discount for you buddy"  he said
"Excuse me?!" I was not sure I had just heard him right
"I have heard the rumour going around about you, getting arrested for fighting"
BOY!!  Obviously I was publically disgraced again - but this time for something that I had not done!!  I am not bothered about not getting a discount - but I am bothered about people spreading lies about me - so I went behind the counter and tried to dispel the rumour.
I had been in this town hardly any time, I had hardly left the house and I had been publically disgraced twice already.  I am not doing a very good job of keeping myself hidden - am I!!!!
Tomorrow the twins will be having their birthdays - 
 I must remember to buy birthday cakes!!



  1. Awww, Taylor and Dawn are pretty names. ^^

  2. I love their names and I can't wait to see what they look like!!

  3. I like their names too! Poor Faith, she just seems to not be able to catch a break! Publicly disgraced for something she didn't even do!

  4. Ugh the celebrity stuff is such a pain. I hate it. Even when they do nothing they get that stupid rumors stuff. Even sueing for slander doesn't really help. It damages all the relationships they have too, which is what always really pisses me off.

    I haven't read through the whole Wishacy she comes from. I was trying but not all of the chapters are linked on the Index so I got lost. I like your stories though. Trying to get caught up on all of them. LoL

  5. Wow! Twins! My girl just had her first baby and I was very thankful there were no multiples. :) The girls are cute and I love their names!! Moving on to the next chapter...
