Melodie turned up on the doorstep asking for Dad
"I heard about Cherry, I am sorry!!"
"You ok?"
"Not really - I feel lost!!""Melody what am I going to do without Cherry?"
"It gets easier Zac honestly it might hurt like hell now, but it will get get better!!"
"Melody don't!!"
"Don't what?"
"Hug me like that."
"I'm sorry, I am your best friend and you needed a hug"
"That was more than a best friends hug and you know it!!!" "I hate seeing you so upset, you know I love you Zac"
"Just don't, ok Mel, its too soon"
"Ok, I am sorry!!""How is Thornton I haven't seen him for ages?"
"He moved out."
"Oh I am sorry, I didn't know!!"
"Its fine, you know we only stayed together for Bradleys sake, I never loved him Zac"
"I know." "I think I should go."
"Yeah maybe you should."
"I will come and check on you tomorrow."
"I don't need babysitting Mel."
"I know.""What's wrong Dad?"
"Oh nothing son - just Melody."
"Why whats she done - hitting on you already!!??" I laughed"Its not funny Devon."
"Hey, I was only joking with you - tell me she didn't."
"She did!!"
"The dirty old mare!!"Bree and Miles had their birthday.
Bree is now a teenager and looks more like me every day.
Miles is now a toddler. Another one with my hiar colouring, but he has Cathleens bright blue eyes.
"Have you spoken to your Mom today?"
"No she has not even bothered to phone me."
"That's strange, she hasn't phoned me either for once."
"I hate her - I ain't never going to forgive her!!"
"That's a bit harsh - its not the end of the world that she missed your birthday!"
"I don't care that she's missed my birthday, its the other stuff I can't forgive her for - you - not tell you about me when I was a baby - we could have been together you me and Mom."
"Let me put Miles to bed, I think we need to talk.""Bree I am not really sure what would have happened if your Mom had told me she was pregnant, has she told you what I was like when we were younger?"
"A little - but I am not sure I believe anything she tells me anymore."
"Look, me and your Mom we had this thing - it was nothing serious, when I was a teenager she used to be the repairman around here - when anything broke we phoned for repairs and your Mom would always appear - she is quite a bit older than me."
"Yeah she told me about the repair thing."
"Well I was a teenager and I kind of developed a crush on your Mom. I used to phone for repairs even when we had nothing broken just to get her round here. I nearly got her the sack once because whenever she used to come round I used to distract her and she used to go away without actually fixing anything, when my Dad clocked on that he was paying her for doing nothing, he had a word with me and complained to her boss."
"So what happened?"
"Well when I became a young adult I started sleeping with you Mom, and she was not the only one, my hormones kind of took over and looking back now, I was pretty bad, I had a string of women who I was sleeping with - it was just fun for me, my Dad used to give me hell over it - I didn't listen. In a way I suppose I can not really blame your Mom for not telling me that she was pregnant, I was pretty wild and I can imagine that she expected me not to care about her being pregnant. That she did get wrong."
"If she had told you what would you have done."
"I have thought about that a thousand times and I am not sure, if she had told me before I met Cathleen then I probably would have moved her in here I probably would have given it a go - but that does not mean it ever would have worked because I never loved your Mom and I am not sure she ever loved me either."
"I think she did - she said she did and she has never had a boyfriend or anything."
"Still she should have told you straight away."
"We all make mistakes and don't you think it is punishment enough that you are now living with me and not her, don't be too hard on her - she is your Mom after all!!"True to form the ghosts were out in force tonight, but I did not spot my Mom. I had not seen her out since she died. Usually when there was drama going on in the house or a birthday the ghosts could be relied upon to put in an appearance.
Dad had a shock in the middle of the night when he stirred to find his mothers ghost napping on the bed he was sleeping with.
I also got a shock in the middle of the night. Cathleen had got up to throw up. She woke me up just to tell me she was pregnant again.

"Do me a favour?"
"Don't ask Dad about the baby this time - I don't want to know if its a boy or a girl before it arrives, leave it as a surprise!!"
"Ok if you want."
Miles is walking and talking there is just his potty training that needs to be done which Cathleen plans to do before the new baby arrives.
Melody started to pop up every day to check up on Dad.
I could see them getting closer and closer and am not so sure I like the idea of them getting together because of Mom - but you could see what was coming.
And eventually it did come.
"You want to stay the night?"
"What do you think!!"
Cathleen says I should be happy for him - its nice he has someone and isn't going to spend the rest of his life moping after my Mom. But still, it is hard for me to watch.
My sims are set to live 125 days. While Cherry died of old age at 123 days old - Zac should have followed her pretty quickly - He is actually 142 days old in game at the moment and still kicking!!!! wahay - Melody finally got her wicked way with Zac - how long has it been??!! I am just glad they waited till after Cherry died.