Monday 15 August 2011

Chapter 5 - Gen 14 - Devon

We kind of fell into a routine, I turned up at the dive bar at 11am every morning and sat at the end of the bar like all good bartenders boyfriends do - not that I had asked her to be my girlfriend yet, she was becoming very difficult to pin down for even a moment outside work.  I stayed with her all day and night when she worked, I went home at 4am to sleep like she did then was back again at 11 am the next morning like she was.

 I tried not to drink too much and when we did not have the place to ourselves and there were other people around I spent my time dancing and got the usual interruptions for photo's and autographs, I was just surprised that my paparazi stalker had not caught on to my antics these days, could you just imagine the headlines in the paper on the lines of me spending all day and night drinking and dancing.   I just needed a way to try and get Cathleen away from work.

"Can't you book a day off, just one?"
"I have told you, I can't afford to I hate the lodgings I live in, this job pays well and I need to earn as much as I can to afford a place of my own, the quicker I get out of that place the better.  I just can't go having days off because you want me to, every day off is a day further away from my move."
"Come and live with me then."
"Devon you have not proved anything to me yet, you know I don't trust you."
"I never will prove anything to you either if we spend the rest of our lives in this place."
"Unfortunately its where I work ."
"Well I wish you didn't."
"And Devon, I am doing it my way - ok!"

"Come home with me tonight"
"No Devon"
"Please just one night."
"You see you say just one night and I am scared that that is all it will be."
"What do you mean?"
"You take me home, you get your wicked way with me then dump me the next day then move onto your next victim, a one night stand isn't what I want Devon."
"It isn't what I want either Cathleen please ...."
"No Devon, you see I know some of your past victims, I know how you operate, and I need my head testing for even considering getting involved with you."
"STOP!! Who?  Who do you know and what have they said?"
"It does not matter who I know."
I started waving my phone at her - "look I could phone at least half a dozen women right now and get a one night stand like you say, but I don't I am sat here day and night with you, if all I wanted from you is a one night stand do you honestly think I would waste my time sitting here day after day getting absolutely nothing from you when I already have it on tap.  Well would I?"
"I suppose not."
"Well then, I said I would prove I loved you and you could trust me, but your not letting me - the least you could do is try and meet me half way, Cathleen your killing me!!"
I got up and started walking away,
"Devon stop, where are you going"
"It's not even midnight yet, I don't want you to go home I ...."
"Of course, you don't trust me to go straight home right, I know, its my own fault I suppose I deserve it, like my Dad says, one of these days it is all going to catch up with me and I think maybe he was right because it has .........."
"Well I am right aren't I"
"No actually I was going to say I don't want you to go yet.  I am too used to you being here, it won't feel right if you go early, I'm sorry will you stay - please!!"

The next morning my phone started ringing pretty early.

"Hey are you awake?"
"No I am asleep and when I wake up I won't remember talking to you."
"Ha - ha - your so funny - not!!"
"Well I answered the phone so I am awake, obviously, duuurrr"
"Open the door."
"I am ourside your house are you not going to let me in?"
"Really - the door will be open in one second."

"Maybe I was wrong earlier, I am still asleep and dreaming."
"No your not dreaming"  she looked preoccupied and figity
"What's wrong?
"You have a vampire on your front garden, she is giving me the creeps."
"Ignore her, she is harmless, she is there most of the time, she's paparazzi, you know press."
"Still she is creepy!!"

"I haven't got long"
"I did not even know you knew where I lived."
"Of course I do, everyone knows where you live."

"So finally, I see you away from work."
"I thought I would surprise you."
"You did that ok!!"
"I thought about what you said last night."
"I know I am not being fair - I will try and meet you half way from now on"
"And what about you moving in with me?"
"I'll think about it."

"I have to go soon."
"I know"
"I will see you in an hour."
"You will."

I stood there for ages after I had watched her leaving for work.

"Wake up Devon, she has gone"
"Buzz off Wiggles"
"You have gone soft in the head."
"And you will be permanently soft if you are not careful, I can always put you away again."
"Your mean."
"Leave me alone Wiggles."
"Would you like me to fetch you a chair, your legs look a little wobbly there."
"One more word Wiggles and you are back in the box FOREVER!!"
"Ok I will shut up!!"

An hour later I am sat in my usual spot.  Propping up the end of the bar, eating bar food, which is generally what I live on these days,

I found a great way to distract Cathleen away from her bar.  Playing my guitar

It works every time!!

I did not think that it would take long.  My paparazzi stalker has found me, found where I am hanging out all day and night when I am not at home.

"Hey Naccissa."
"Yes Devon."
"What are you like at mixology?"
"Not bad why?"
"How do you fancy doing a bit of moonlighting?"
"Oh I don't know."
"Devon what are you up to?"  Cathleen asked
"Naccissa, how do you fancy giving Cathleen a break, she works really long hours, look after the bar for a few hours for me."
"So I can miss whatever it is you are up to - no chance."
"All we will be doing is sitting out back watching the stars and chatting - you won't be missing anything, do me this favour and tomorrow I will do that interview you have been nagging me to do for ages."
"Watching the stars and chatting you say."
"Yes promise, nothing else - so will you do it please?"
"Ok but don't forget - tomorrow you owe me an interview."
"You'll get your interview don't worry and thanks!!"

"I am not sure I should be doing this!!"
"Relax, the bar is covered so you don't need to worry!!"
"I suppose - you are crafty, she is an old woman!!"
"She is fitter than she looks, don't let that stick she uses fool you, she can run faster than me!!"
"No way!!"
"She's a vampire I don't think you realise how fast and strong they are, and they live so much longer than we do,  you know she has always been that old, she was that old when I was a child, she used to stalk my Grandad before he died and then she turned her attention to me!!"

"So what are we doing out here anyway?"
"Spending some time together without that damn bar between us."
"You don't have to sit there every day and night you know, if you don't want to."
"I want to - how else would I get to spend time with you?"
"Your not getting fed up of me then?"
"No why are you getting fed up of me being there all the time?"
"So we are are ok then."

"So I need to know, what exactly is going on with us?"
"You tell me because you are the one making all the rules - we are doing it your way, you don't trust me remember."
"I know but what do you want?"
"I have already told you what I want, I have told you that I love you and I have asked you to move in with me, which you are thinking about - well I hope you are thinking about it."
"I have thought about it?"
"I don't know that I can risk it."

"What is there to risk?"
"If I give up on my venture of buying my own place, move in with you, if it all goes wrong where would I be homeless and back in lodgings that I can not hack."
"Why should it all go wrong?"
"Your reputation for one and the way you are - I bet you have not even got it in you to be faithful to one person."
"That's not fair, I have not really been unfaithful to anyone, any romantic interest I have had in the past has been just that a romantic interest, no strings attached, I have never had a steady girlfriend just female friends who have been up for a little fun.  They knew what we were doing did not really mean anything, ok so I have a naughty reputation - but that does not mean I am a cheater does it."
"Well Tracey doesn't see it that way."
"Aaaarrr so it is Tracey that has been filling your head with rubbish, she who had a boyfriend when we were messing around together, I bet she never told you that did she!!"
"Yes I knew she had a boyfriend, we used to be close friends once and I knew she was messing about with you, but we fell out ages ago, before I became ill and I have not really spoken to her since.  Which leads me to the next thing that could make everything fall apart - my illness"
"What about it?"

"Has your Dad said anyhing about it?"
"No, he can't he said you had to tell me, he couldn't, patient confidentiality or something."
"Without going into all the details of it -  basically I might never be able to have children."
"So this is your chance to bale out now."
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Well being with me you might never have any kids of your own, but if I can have children, then you are in trouble!!"
"My Lifetime Wish is to be surrounded by family, so I want at least five children."
"So either way I am stuffed!!" I started laughing
"Well, I am glad you are laughing about it"
"What else can we do, you won't know till you try and if it turns out you can't have kids then we could always adopt one."
"I suppose  you could always get one of your one night stands to give you one - a child that is."

"Cathleen that is not even funny!!"
"So why are you laughing?"
"You are going on about not being able to trust me then you go say something like that!!"
"I was only joking you know - I would kill you if you did."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"OMG - I thought you was never going to ask!!"
She squealed and jumped into my arms
"I take it that's a yes!!"
"Yes - but cheat on me and I will kill you!!"

"I won't cheat on you - I promise!!"
"Now I think I had better get back inside before I end up getting the sack."
"You head off home I saw you yawning a while ago, I only have half an hour before I finish and I will see you tomorrow."

When I got home I fould my little brother had had his birthday, I had totally forgot all about it.  He was sat eating breakfast at 4am in the morning, all eager and excited about his first day at school.

It did not feel like I had been asleep for long when I was woken up by Dad.

"Devon get up, you have a visitor."
"What time is it?"
"Nearly 8am come on get up Cathleen is downstairs and we are all about to head out, if you go back to sleep she will be sat downstairs alone."
As soon as I heard her name I shot out of bed

"Good morning Beautiful."
"I didn't wake you did I?"
"Your ok, I don't mind!!"


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