Saturday 6 August 2011

Chapter 18 - Gen 13 - Zac

"What's up with you Zac?
"Oh nothing"
"Well it doesn't look like nothing to me, and I can see it has something to do with Melodie, so what is it?"
"For one minute there I ....."
"Don't you dare - you don't like Melodie like that its just your mid-life crisis - pull yourself together."

"So the twins are having their birthdays and they get cake this time."
"Yeah well, we were both here, we weren't at work, so we thought why not."

"Zac should you really be doing that after your moment earlier?"
"No its fine, I was just being silly, your right I don't like Melodie like that!!"

"What is the staring contest for."

"That wish you just rolled - its not happening, I think you best had move away from Melodie before you make the biggest mistake of your life"
"I am fine!"
"No your not if your rolling wishes to kiss your step mother"
"She is not my step mother any more."
"It does not really matter what she is, I am not letting you kiss Melodie so move away!!"

"Thank god for Cherry - she just saved you I think!!"
"What is the matter with me?"
"Mid Life Crisis - that is what's the matter with you!!"

"I think its time Melodie moved out!!"
"Well, shes not happy over you and Cherry hugging each other - its getting too dangerous and I am not having it, and it will get worse next week when Melodie has her birthday because knowing my luck she will have a mid life crisis too."

"Guilty conscience?"
"No - I didn't do anything to be guilty about."
"No but only because I stopped you - you thought about it"
"Shut up -  and close the door behind you!!"

"I really don't like what I am thinking."
"No neither do I!!!"
"How long is this going to last?"
"I am not sure but I am really glad that Cherry's mid life crisis finished before yours started!!"

"So, Kaylynn is having a party, what is the occasion?"
"I am not sure there really is one, I think she just fancied like having a pool party."
"Your fussing again!!"
"I feel fat and uncomfortable"
"You fat - are you having a laugh!!"

"Should I be worried here?"
"I don't know."

"Please Zac don't!!"
"Think about Cherry - you are so going to regret this!!!"

"OMG!! Zac what are you doing, I knew I should never have let you come to this party!!"

"OH NO!!!!"
"What is going on now?"
"Its Kaylynn's Dad, Dustin, he is dying."
"That does not look right to me."
"He is a vampire, he is dying from thirst."

"I hate to say this but, him dying has just saved your bacon."
"How do you work that out?."
"If he had not died and interrupted your stupidity, I dread to think what you would have done!!"

"Your tired - I am sending you home."
"I can not just go and leave her alone, not at a time like this."
"Her brother has just come home, she will be fine, you need to go home."

"So you get home and the first thing you do is find Cherry."
"Your not going to tell her are you?"
"No but you want to hope that Kaylynn doesn't tell her!"
"I am sorry - I know I was being stupid!!"
"Its just a good job it did not go any further."

"Shut up - you know what to do!!"
"Yeah - close the door behind me!!"

"I think Devon has got a crush on the repairman - sorry woman."
"Haven't you noticed the minute something breaks he is on the phone, the problem is as soon as she gets here he starts talking to her and she charges you but she never actually repairs anything."
"No I hadn't noticed actually!!"

"Well, it is nearly time for me to leave you"
"Really, I will finally be rid of you?!"
"Yes your son and heir is about to become a young adult, and thanks by the way - I am going to miss you but it does not look like the feeling is going to be mutual,"

"He got the flirty trait automatically and I think Devon is going to be a handful if the wishes he has rolled already are anything to go by!!"
"What has he wished for already?"
"Never you mind, but he has got that repair woman here still and he is making good use of that flirting trait of his already."

"Errrr Zac - I was just watching Devon pillow fighting and I spotted something,  I think you may have a problem, there is someone standing at the front of the house, and I know there is only one reason that she might be stood there - you!!"
"Who is it?"
"It's Kaylynn, and Devon has spotted her and is going out to her, you best had get out there incase she says anything."
"Oh no!!"

Bye Zac!!!
Generation 14
Chapter 1

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