Saturday 28 May 2011

Chapter 1 - Gen 11 - Tyler

I can not help but think - this picture actually sums me up!!
Yes, its a fairy - well I am not normal, that's what they are going to say.
When they actually do find out - but how do I tell them, my parents, are they going to be angry, upset, or will they just accept it, I really don't know!!!  Too scared to come out and tell them I have put enough clues in front of them - soon hopefully they will realise, I just don't know how they are going to react.

I had hoped that it was just a teenage faze I was going through, I hoped by the time I had grown up it would have passed, but it didn't and now I know this is definitely me.  I knew for definite when its my sisters boyfriend I fancy not my brothers girlfriend.

So I paint.  Painting takes my mind away from reality, as does the music that I play.
My life time wish it to be a Hit Movie Composer so I have a job at the local music theatre where both of my parents work, who are both famous Rock Stars.

At the moment I have three romantic interests - but they are just that interests, nothing really serious.
Firstly there is Nester, I really like Nester but he can get pretty grumpy and hates flirting so sometimes he can be rather frustrating and not much fun!!

Nester has spent quite a lot of time at our house, but tends to get very starstruck around my parents.  And while I am being pretty open with what I am doing - they still have not clocked on to what I am actually getting up to in the hot tub.

Secondly there is Elbert.
We used to be good friends at school and  is probably the one I am least interested in and really don't see much of these days.

The one that I like the most is Neal,we share the same star sign and quite a few traits in common, and is the one that I see more of.  In fact Neal is always lurking somewhere around wherever I go, and his presence really has stopped me see so much  of Nester and Elbert.  Neal is my paparazzi stalker.

I don't have to go looking for Neal because he pops up in the unlikliest of places, and it is maybe not the best of situations having a romantic interest in your paparazzi stalker, but it has its advantages, I as yet have never had a public disgrace, while the rest of my family are suffering from them all of the time.

My family, especially my parents are not too impressed when I invite him inside the house because he does get out his note book and his camera from time to time, and slowly I think the penny is beginning to drop with my parents, I think maybe they are realising what exactly is going on with me.

First my Mom comes downstairs carrying washing, sees me hugging Neal, stands there looking shocked, drops the washing and wanders off, no doubt in search of my Dad.

Then my Dad wanders past us, too busy watching us he nearly walks into the closed door.

"Please tell me I did not see what I thought I just saw"
"What did you just see?"
"You and that friend of yours, please tell me I didn't just see you kissing him"
"Sorry Dad, yes you did"

He turned away from me - he couldn't even look at me.

"So - is he the first man you have kissed"
"What about women?"
"No I don't like women"
"So you are gay!"
"Yes Dad"

"What are we going to do Leo?"
"What can we do, we can not change him he is what he is"
"I am not bothered about him being gay"
"So what's the problem"
"He is my first born child - he is the heir to the Swan family Wishacy, remember"
"Oh Yeah - I can see that is a problem"

"He needs to produce an heir for the next generation, how is he going to do that being gay?"
"I don't know we will find a way round it!!"
"I hope so else, the Swan Family wishacy is over!!!!"

Chapter 2

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